Plant Spirit Medicine

There are many ways of working with plants. The most popular are taking them internally as medicine for our bodies, using them topically, and burning them as incense. All of these are great & effective ways of working with the physical aspects of plants, but there is a way to work with them more deeply, by also working with and connecting to their energy. This is called Plant Spirit Medicine, a practice that recognizes that each plant has their own unique energetic blueprint and gifts, that they are conscious & intelligent beings, and that when approached with respect, are willing to weave their medicine into our lives when we ask for assistance.

Most people only think of Plant Spirit Medicine as entheogenic plants & fungi— plants like Ayahuasca, Peyote, Psilocybin, Huachuma, etc. These are powerful plant allies indeed, but so are the medicinal plants that are found all around us. Common plants such as Chamomile, Lavender, Cedar, Holy Basil, etc. also hold great medicine for our Spirit, and are a portal into the realm of plant intelligence too.

Plants have so much to offer, they are willing allies in helping us restore our health, wellbeing, and physical, spiritual & emotional balance. They carry specific medicine that can be accessed by working with them physically and spiritually. This can be through elixirs, tinctures, teas, infusions, essential oils, topical application, flower essences, herbal smokes, herbal wands, resins, incense, by growing them, meditating with them, and even calling on their energy when they are not physically present.

Establishing a relationship with them energetically is a profoundly healing experience because it opens us to the idea that we are not the only intelligent beings on the planet. That there are in fact other species that hold consciousness and can help us co-create our reality. Connecting to plant intelligence connects us to the intelligence of life, the nature of our birthplace—the Earth, and our own true nature.

Plants are generous allies that are willing to support us in leading meaningful lives— they help us ground, dream, relax, create, manifest, energize, tap into our intuition, connect to the Spirit realms, nourish & support our bodies, and so much more! They help us remember that we are nature itself, as powerful as she, when we lead reciprocal and regenerative lives.

When we create Holy Wild products, we do so in ritual, in relationship with the plants. We ask for their permission and participation. We ask that they lend their medicine to our community, and we thank them in advance for their power, beauty and magic. When working with our products we invite you to feel their energy too. To notice how they make you feel, what their personality feels like, and to acknowledge that this isn’t simply a commodity, a lifeless product. We invite you to recognize that these products hold the energy & spirit of the plants, that they are intentional & powerful, and that they’ve come to you with the intention of assisting you in building your dreams.

Irene Vizcarra