
SACRED SPACE anointing oil to be used on the skin during ritual, ceremony, prayer, or as a daily natural non-toxic perfume.


  • for opening sacred space

  • invoke the holy and sacred within and around

  • connect to your spirit/soul

  • connect to Divine Intelligence

  • heighten intuition

  • works with the element of water, ether, & earth

  • plants in this blend work with the invisible realms- the realm of Spirit, the great mystery, the otherworld

  • crown & third-eye chakra activation

AFFIRMATION: I am aware of the sacredness of this moment, and call on Divine Intelligence to fill this space. The Divine is present here, within and around me. In this space I am safe, held, and connected to the life-affirming web of life. I am the temple, the temple is wherever I am.

Roll the oil onto the inside of your wrists, rub together and bring them up to your nose, taking slow deliberate breaths. You can anoint the heart, throat, third eye, & crown chakra, your temples, & wear behind your ears & neck. Can be used as a natural perfume to support your intentions. For most potent results use daily.

PLANT MAGIC: Made with a proprietary blend of essential oils featuring Blue Lotus and Frankincense. All organic ingredients. Infused with Amethyst crystals.


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